Back to School Sale!
40% OFF a full pair of eyeglasses with single vision or Bi-Focal prescriptions. A great way to purchase a back-up pair, sun or computer glasses. Cannot be used in combination with insurance benefits or other offers. We are all students in the school of life!! Appointments are required. Knowing there are many options out there, we salute YOU for trusting us with your eyecare solutions! Thank you! |
Second Pair Discount
We offer a 20% discount on a complete second pair of prescription eyeglasses or sunglasses when purchased within 1 year of eye exam. Does not have to be purchased on same day as first pair.
Save 30% or a second pair when purchased the same day (discount applies to less expensive pair).
Save 30% or a second pair when purchased the same day (discount applies to less expensive pair).
Contact Lens Patient Discounts
Receive a 20% discount on the purchase of eyeglasses or sunglasses (prescription or non-precription) when you purchase a year supply of contact lenses from our office.